Dreyfus Webcasts - these helped popularize online philosophy education several years ago!
- Spring 2011: Phil 185 - Heidegger's Being and Time
- Breathless
- Phil 7 Course Handouts
- Phil 189 Course Handouts
- Fall 2007: Phil 185 - Heidegger (Updated from Internet Archive)
- Phil 185 Course Handouts
- Spring 2007: Phil 6 - Man, God, and Society in Western Literature (Updated from Internet Archive)
- Spring 2006: Phil 7 - Existentialism in Literature and Film (Updated from Internet Archive)
- 2005 Seminar: Questioning Efficiency: Human Factors: Existential Phenomenology
- Fall 2005: Phil 185 - Being and Time (DSS format)
- Spring 2005: Phil 188 - Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception (requires DSS player)
- 2001 Being and Time Lecture Series (BitTorrent)
- Bryan Magee talks to Hubert Dreyfus on Husserl, Heidegger and Modern Existentialism
- Interview: Full-tilt Boogie
- Interview: Kreisler
- Interview: Andrew Keen
- Interview: noozit interview
- Interview: Mishlove
Dreyfus & Kelly: All Things Shining - the latest Dreyfus project
- WAMC - Sean Kelly interview
- RadioBoston - Sean Kelly interview
- Inquiry: Hubert Dreyfus and Sean Dorrance Kelly: All Things Shining
- Harvard Book Store - Sean Dorrance Kelly discusses All Things Shining
- All Things Shining - Hubert Dreyfus and Wayne Martin in conversation
- Conversations With History - Dreyfus and Kelly
- Being In The World - Movie Website
- All Things Shining Blog
- Sean Kelly - The Sacred and the Secular
- Sean Kelly - Later Heidegger
- Sean Kelly - Being and Time
- Sean Kelly - Existentialism
- KQED Forum interview with Dreyfus and Kelly: 'All Things Shining': Finding Meaning in a Secular Age
- Colbert Report interview with Sean Kelly
Heidegger Resources
- Lee Braver - Grounless Grounds: A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger
- Jeff Collins - Introducing Heidegger
- Peninsula College Lecture - Heidegger His Life and Philosophy
- Taylor Carmen - The Heidegger Sessions
- PEL - Heidegger and our Existential Situation
- University of Kent Lecture - The Darkness of the Poem is the Darkness of Death - On Martin Heidegger and Paul Celan
- Tao Raspoli's Film - Being-in-the-World
- Richard Capobianco - Heidegger on Holderlin
- Richard Capobianco - Heidegger and the Greek Experience of Nature
- EGS Lecture - Being and the Artist's Trace. The Origin of the Work of Art
- EGS Lecture - Building Dwelling Thinking
- Gregory Sadler on Heidegger's "Essence of Truth"
- The Catholic University Lecture - Heidegger, Aristotle, and the Legacy of Philosophy
- Lecture on Heidegger's "What is Metaphysics"
- Heidegger on Ontotheology
- Entitled Opinions - Thomas Sheehan on Heidegger and technology
- Barbara Babich Lecture - "The Danger" in Heidegger's Breman Lectures
- The Philosopher's Zone - The Heidegger Way
- Rudolf Makkreel lectures on "Heidegger's Non-Idealistic Reading of Kant's Transcendental Philosophy".
- EGS Lecture - Concealment and Unconcealment
- EGS Lecture - Heidegger, Language and Existence
- Walter Brogan presents a talk on existence and facticity in Heidegger's 'Being and Time'
- Catherine Malabou - Can "Retreat" be a Metaphor? A Reflection on Meaning after Heideger's Withdrawal
- EGS Lecture - Epilogue for "The Orgin of the Work of Art"
- New Books in Philosophy - Groundless Grounds: A Study of Wittgenstein and Heidegger
- Ereignis - films and installation works
- Lecture - Heidegger on philosophy of Being and Langauge
- Film - The Ister
- Richard Capobianco on "Heidegger's Truth of Being"
- On Heidegger's Being and Time
- John David Ebert on Heidegger's Essay "The Turning"
- John David Ebert on Heidegger's History of the Concept of Time
- Cambridge Lecture - Stiegler after Heidegger and Derrida
- William Barrett - Heidegger and Modern Existentialism
- Jeffrey van Davis Film (excerpt) - Heidegger: Only A God Can Save Us
- Mike Wheeler on Heidegger, Cognition and the Transcendental
- George Pattison on Heidegger
- FORA TV - Understanding_the_Concept_of_Time_in_Maharaj and Heidegger
- John David Ebert on Heidegger's "The Thing"
- John David Ebert on Heidegger's "Origin of the Work of Art"
- John David Ebert on Heidegger's "Introduction to Metaphysics"
- John David Ebert on Heidegger's "Question Concerning Technology"
- EGS - Heidegger's Anti-Dialectical Tragedy
- William Richardson on "Being and Time"
- PB Coaching - Heidegger Workshop
- The Catholic University of America Fall 2011 Lecture Series - Heidegger
- Heidegger on the Meaning of Meaning
- Heidegger's Politics and Legacy
- Heidegger on Technology's Threat
- Gianni Vattimo Lecture - Heidegger and Revolution
- EGS - Task, Technology, and Philosophy
- ICI Berlin - Francoise Balibar: What Is a Thing?
- Stony Brook University - Heidegger Colloquium Series
- Boston College - Our dinner with Bill
- William Richardson on Babette Babich's book, Words in Blood, Like Flowers: Philosophy and Poetry, Music and Eros in Holderlin, Nietzsche, Heidegger
- The European Graduate School - Heidegger and the Question of Technology
- Yale lecture - Ways in and out of the Hermeneutic Circle
- Rick Roderick - Heidegger and the Rejection of Humanism
- Heidegger's Critique of Technology
- John Haugland Essay - Heidegger on Truth and Finitude
- Richard Wolin - Are Philosophy and Nazism Compatible? The Troubling Case of Martin Heidegger
- Heidegger's Black Forest
- Markus Hofner - "Back to the future? On Heidegger's reading of Paul's eschatology"
- Jeffrey van Davis on his film "Only A God Can Save Us"
- The Fall of Cartesianism
- The Modern Intellectual Tradition - Heidegger's Being and Time
- EGS Seminar - Arendt, Heidegger & The Role of Thinking
- Planet Debate - Heidegger
- Heidegger on Authenticity
- Norm Friesen - Heidegger What Calls for Thinking? and "The Pedagogical Relation"
- EGS Lecture - Being and the Artist's Trace. The Origin of the Work of Art
- Heidegger's Turn Against Humanism
- Appraising Heidegger's Interpretations of Movement and Time
- Russell Weaver on Heidegger and Hermenuetic Truth
- Graham Harman - On Actors, Networks, and Plasma: Heidegger vs. Latour vs. Heidegger
- The Partially Examined Life - Heidegger: What is "Being?"
- Richardson - Heidegger's Godet
- Graham Harman - Origin of the Work of Art
- McManus - Heidegger, Wittgenstein and the Last Judgement
- Brassier - The Pure and Empty Form of Death: Heidegger and Deleuze
- Wattles (Kent State) - Heidegger's Aesthetics I
- Wattles (Kent State) - Heidegger's Aesthetics II
- Digital Dialogue - Heidegger on Aristotle
- A conversation with Andrew Mitchell on Poetry and Thinking in Martin Heidegger's later work
- A message in a bottle: encounters with Paul Celan and Martin Heidegger
- Entitled Opinions - Thomas Sheehan on "Being and Time"
- Key Thinkers: Barbara Bolt on Martin Heidegger
- Thinking Through Practce: The Ister
- Dartmouth - Martin Heidegger Elective
- Harrison, et al. - Dasein's dying, Moby Dick, etc.
- PEL - Heidegger and our Existential Situation (NEW)
- University of Kent Lecture - The Darkness of the Poem is the Darkness of Death - On Martin Heidegger and Paul Celan (NEW)
Recent (Post-WWII) Continental Philosophy
- PEL - Deleuze on What Philosophy Is (New)
- Melbourne Free University Lecture Series
- The London Graduate School - Reversals and Transformations: Towards a Deconstructive Phenomenology
- Radio National - Bluffer's Guide to Michael Foucault
- Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy Course - What Is Phenomenology
- Entitled Opinions - Hans Sluga on Michael Foucault
- Oxford - Dialogue with Martin Hagglund and Derek Attridge: Derrida's Ideas on Ethics, Hospitality and Radical Atheism
- UNC Charlotte Lecture - Juridical, Disciplinary, and Biopolitical Power: Basic Background on Foucault
- Sartre in 90 MInutes
- Jacques Ranciere - Modernity Revisted
- Jean-Luc Marion - French Culture and Philosophy: Beyond Post-modernism
- The Philosopher's Zone - Mai '68
- University of Warwick - Foucault
- University of London Conference - The Editor's Cut: A view of philosophical research from journal editors
- Entitled Opinions - Thomas Sheehan on Phenomenology
- EGS - Punishment
- PEL - Foucault on Power and Punishment
- PEL - Merleau-Ponty on Perception and Knowledge
- EGS Lecture - The End of Metaphysics
- The Goldstein-Gore International Center for Jewish Thought Conference - Levinas Facing Biblical Figures
- University of Wellington - Foucault, Fearless Speech, and the Notion of Critique
- Philosopher's Zone - The Mind of Jacques Lacan
- Rodolphe Gasche - An Immemorial Remainder: The Legacy of Derrida
- Film - Derrida
- Harvard Course - Social Theory, the Humanties and Philosophy Now - Ethical Reasoning
- Robert Bernasconi Lecture - The Transcendence of Fecundity: Levinas on Alterity and Kinship
- College De France Course - Modern and Contemporary French Literature: History, Criticism, Theory
- Diet Soap Podcast - The Dialectical Imagination: History of the Frankfurt School
- Diet Soap Podcast - Coffeen on Deleuze
- Diet Soap Podcast - Analytic versus Continental Philosophy
- Multimedia Institute Zagreb Conference - to have done with life: vitalism and antivitalism in contemporary philosophy
- British Academy - In Conversation with Julia Kristeva
- CornellCast - Martin Hagglund on Radical Atheism: Derrida and the Time of Life
- University of London Conference - Nomos: Carl Schmitt and his Interlocuters
- Birbeck College Conference - The Foucualt Effect 1991-2011
- University of London Conference - Time, Politics and Becoming
- Yale Lecture - The Postmodern Psyche
- Steven Pinker - The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature
- Albert Camus: A Life
- Sartre's Phenomenology
- Camus and the Absurd Hero
- Existentialism - Sartre and de Beauvoir
- Endicott College - Levinas: Sensibility Without Subject
- London Global University - Deconstruction Today
- Works of Merleau-Ponty
- Existentialism: The Philosophical Movement
- Jacques Derrida in Conversation
- Monash University Seminar - Letting Go of Neo-Liberalism (with some help from Michel Foucualt)
- Monash University Seminar - Four or Five Words in Derrida
- Warwick University - MIchel Foucault
- Giorgio Agamben - What is a Paradigm?
- Structuralism, Saussure and Levi-Strauss
- The London Graduate School - Genet after Derrida
- An infographic on existentialism
- DeLanda - Deleuze and the History of Philosophy
- DeLanda - The Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze
- Erractic Thinking - Foucault and Power
- Philosopher's Zone - Who was Gilles Deleuze?
- HARC Symposium - The Philosophy of Literature
- Philoctetes Center Roundtable - Romanticism, Enlightenment, and Counter-Enlightenment
- Existentialism and the Frankfurt School
- The Challenge of Postmodernism
- Existentialism and the Meaning of Life
- Derrida's Deconstruction of Philosophy
- The Frankfurt School
- Vallega-Neu - Rhythm and Animality in Merleau-Ponty's Ontology of the Flesh
- UC Berkeley - Michel Foucault Audio Archive
- Nova Sotheastern University Lectures - Semiotics, Semiology, Sign and Saussure
- Harvard Humanities Center event celebrating the publication of Cavell's "Little Did I Know"
- Philosopher's Zone - Emmanuel Levinas - putting ethics first
- Philosopher's Zone - A tribute to Claude Levi-Strauss
- Philosopher's Zone - Derrida - the father of deconstruction
- Zeillinger - The Other Within Me: The Practice of Deconstruction
- London School of Economics - Rethinking Technological Change in Organizations: The Deleuzian 'Spatium' and 'Becoming'
- London School of Economics - The Harman Review: Bruno Latour's Empirical Metaphysics
- Bruno Latour: Where is res extensa? An Anthropology of Object
- John D. Caputo at Syracuse
- Caputo - Fall 2010 lectures
- Caputo - From Radical Hermeneutics to the Weakness of God
- Caputo - For the Love of the Things Themselves: Derrida's Hyper-Realism
- Robert Solomon - From Existentialim to Postmodernism
- An Introduction to Poststructuralism
- Culture, Hermeneutics and Structuralism
- Stanley Fish - Deconstruction
- Bruno Latour: Where is res extensa? An Anthropology of Object
- The European Graduate School - Video Lectures
- Discourse Notebook
- From Structure to Rhizome - French thought, 1945-the present: Middlesex University Conference
- Seminar - French Theory Today
- Rick Roderick Lectures - Philosophy and Human Values/Nietzsche and the Postmodern Condition/The Self Under Seige
- Colloquium - Phenomenology and the Divine: Understanding the French Theological 'Turn'
- Daniel Smith's lectures - Deleuze & Guattari
- Folds of Multiplicity - Symposium on the philosophy of gilles deleuze
- Deleuze Conference - On Media and Movement
- Ambrose - Deleuze and Francis Bacon: The Diagrammatic
- 49th Street Discussion - Deleuze/Foucault
- Leonard - Noah and Noesis: Derrida Between Greek and Jew
- University of San Diego Course - PHL 274: Introduction to Continental Philosophy (Part 2)
- University of San Diego Course - PHL 274: Introduction to Continental Philosophy (Part 1)
- The Philosopher's Zone - The Great Divide (Continental/Analytic)
- The Philosopher's Zone - Merleau-Ponty and the lived body (Taylor Carman)
- Eleanor MacDonald (Queens College) Lecture - Are We Postmodern?
- Andrew Freenberg - The Essential Marcuse
- Key Thinkers: John Frow on Michel Foucault
- Kingston University London Conference - The Government of Self and Others: On Foucault's Lectures at the College de France, 1982/83
- University of London (Birbeck) Workshop - The Dis/Order of Things: Predisciplinarity After Foucault
- Foucualt and Middle East Studies
- Conference - Foucault Across the Disciplines
- Philosopher's Zone - Michel Foucault's "Madness and Civilization"
- Foucault reads Kafka
- Key Thinkers: Ghassan Hage on Pierre Bourdieu
- Key Thinkers: Justin Clemens on Alain Badiou
- On Maurice Blanchot and the Political
- Slajov Zizek - Masterclass
- De Landa - Topology
- MAmedia Sessions - Structuralism, Post-Structuralism, and Postmodernism
- AfterTV - Interview with Albert Borgmann
- Stanford Conference - Hannah Arendt considered today: Totalitarianism, genocide and the need for thought
- Conference - Empire and Genocide: The Work of Hannah Arendt
- Kaufmann - Existentialism
- Kaufmann - Sartre and the Crisis in Morality
- Routledge Lecture - Iris Murdoch and the Rejection of Existentialism
Modern Philosophy (Enlightenment - WWII)
- University of Kent Lecture - Holderlin's Metaphysics (NEW)
- Simon Critchley - Hamlet, Nietzsche, Joyce - tragedy, lethergy and disgust
- Universty of London Conference - Spinoza and Nietzsche in Dialogue
- University of London Conference - The Actuality of the Absolute: Hegel, Our Untimely Contemporary
- Melbourne School of Continental Philosophy Course - Objective Spirit in Hegel
- Minerva Podcast - Descartes, Technology and Minds
- Oxford Mini-Course - Hume's Central Principles
- Oxford Mini-Course - Introduction to David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature Book One
- University of London Lecture - Leibniz's Law and the Philosophy of Mind
- Karl Marx in 90 Minutes
- Descartes in 90 Minutes
- Kant in 90 MInutes
- David Hume in 90 Minutes
- Rousseau in 90 Minutes
- Spinoza in 90 Minutes
- Kierkegaard in 90 Minutes
- Schopenhauer in 90 Minutes
- Nietzsche in 90 Minutes
- Hegel in 90 Minutes
- Institute of Philosophy Conference - Hume's Legacy
- Fordham University - Schrodinger and Nietzsche on Life: Eternal Return and the Moment
- Digital Dialouge - Emerson and Self-Culture
- The Catholic Univiersity of America Lecture Series - The Modern Turn
- EGS Lecture - Hegel: The Philosopher of Tragedy
- Royal Society of Edinburgh Lecture - The Significance of David Hume: Scepticism, Science, and Superstition
- Philosopher's Zone - Pascal's Wager
- PEL - Moral Sense Theory: Hume and Smith
- Why God Died - Nietzsche's Claim
- Nietzsche's Dream
- Kierkegaard on Subjective Truth
- Kierkegaard - Existential Dialectic
- Kierkegaard's Crisis
- Kierkegaard's Passions
- EGS - Nietzsche and the Event
- Faith and Freethought: The Philosophy of Nietzsche
- CornellCast - Vico, Spinoza and the Imperial Past
- Boston University - Madison's Politics of Religion Revisited
- Boston University - Toleration and Subscription: An Early Enlightenment Debate
- Boston University - From Augustine to Spinoza and Locke: Answering the Christian Case Against Religious Liberty
- Boston University - Hobbes and Locke on Toleration
- PEL - Schleiemacher Defends Religion
- Isaiah Berlin Lecture - Redescription of the Enlightenment
- British Academy Lecture - Montaigne
- Notre Dame Conference - Leibniz's Theodicy: Context and Content
- UCSD Lecture - Art, Science and the Mind
- University of Cambridge - Early Modern Philosophy and Intellectual History
- Francis Bacon and the Authority of Experience
- Boston College - Hobbes versus Spinoza on Human Nature: Political Ramifications
- Fordham University - Babette Babich on Nietzsche and Sculpture
- Harvard Lecture - Kant: Mind Your Motive/The Supreme Principle of Morality
- Harvard Lectures - Bentham and Mill: Putting a Price Tag on Life/How to Measure Pleasure
- Stony Brook University Lecture Series - Karl Marx as Moral Philosopher
- Freud, Weber, and the Mind of Modernity
- The Philosopher's Zone - An atheists God: the paradox of Spinoza
- Film - Spinoza: The Apostle of Reason
- Tate Gallery - In Defense of Philosophy: Mediatations on Spinoza: The Apostle of Reason
- John Stuart MIll: A Biography
- Hegel: A Biography
- Niccolo's Smile: A Biography of Machiavelli
- Hobbes: A Biography
- Betraying Spinoza
- Karl Marx: A Life
- PEL - Locke on Political Power
- Marketplace of Ideas - Michel de Montaigne's examined life, re-examined
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Marx
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Vico
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Hegel, The Philosophy of History
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Hobbes, Leviathan and De Cive
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Kant
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil
- FORA.tv - Keith Ward on Kant's Truimph of Idealism
- Fatal Enlightenment - Discourse on the Origin of Inequality by Rousseau
- Nietzsche on Love
- Nietzsche the Immoralist
- Nietzsche's Conception of Eternal Recurrence
- Locke's Empiricism, Berkeley's Idealism
- Neo-Aristotelians - Spinoza and Leibniz
- Scholasticism and the Scientific Revolution
- The French Revolution and German Idealism
- Hegel and the English Century
- Film - When Nietzsche Wept
- Kierkegaard Lecture - Mt. Moriah Revisited - Saintly Transgression
- A History of Suspicion - Marx, Darwin, Freud
- Enlightenment Patterns of Cultural Mutation
- Nietzsche - The Return of the Tragic Hero
- EGS Lecture - Nietzsche and Ethics
- University of Edinburgh Panel Discussion - Celebrating David Hume's Birthday
- Frederick Copleston on Schopenhauer
- J.P. Stern on Nietzsche
- Peter Singer on Marx and Hegel
- Geoffrey Warnock on Kant
- Anthony Quinton on Spinoza and Leibniz
- Michael Ayers on Locke and Berkeley
- John Passmore on Hume
- Bernard Williams on Descartes
- The Paula Gordon Show - Descartes' Trinities
- PEL - More Hegel on Self-Consciousness
- PEL - Hegel on Self-Consciousness
- PEL - Locke on Political Power
- Philosophy: The Classics
- University of Edinburgh Enlightment Lectures - David Hume: Morality, Reason and Passion in Public Policy
- The Philosopher's Zone - Hume on cause, effect and doubt
- The Philosopher's Zone - The Life of David Hume
- The Marketplace of Ideas - On Hume and Rousseau's quarrel with John T. Scott
- The Marketplace of Ideas - On David Hume with Simon Blackburn
- Voltaire, Candide
- Pascal, Penses
- Oxford Lecture Series - Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
- Roberto Rossellini Film - Cartesius
- Roberto Rossellini Film - Blaise Pascal
- Center for Jewish History - Freud's Jewish World Conference
- The Catholic University of America Fall 2010 Lecture Series - The Modern Turn
- Giants of Philosophy - Nietzsche
- University of Victoria - Post-Enlightenment Thought
- Robert Bernasconi - Race, Slavery, and the Philosophers of the Enlightenment
- Darren Staloff - Hamilton, Adams, Jefferson: The Politics of Enlightenment
- Philoctetes Center Roundtable - Spinoza
- The Rationalism and Dualism of Descartes
- The Radical Skepticism of Hume
- Kant on Freedom and the Forms of Knowledge
- Kant's Copernican Revolution
- The Enlightenment
- Nietzsche's Critique of Morality
- Kierkegaard's Critique of Reason
- Spinoza, Rationalism and the Reverence for Being
- Schopenhauer: The World as Will and Representation
- Hegel - The Last Great System
- Hegel and Historicism
- Husserl and Phenomenology
- Rise of 20th Century Philosophy - Phenomenology
- The Works of Friedrich Nietzsche Discussion
- Open University - David Hume
- Open University Course - Reading Political Philosophy: From Machiavelli to Mill
- Vanderbilt Mini-Course - Great Ideas of the 19th Century
- Essex Philosophy Society - Phenomenology Crash Course
- Steinberg Course - Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit and Encyclopedia Logic
- University of Glascow Course - Kant
- PHIL 416 Course - Hegel and Phenemenology
- University of Georgia Course - Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
- University of Georgia Course - Hegel's Science of Logic
- University of Georgia Course - Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
- Conference - Thinking with Spinoza: Politics, Philosophy and Religion
- Conference - Spinoza and Bodies
- Conference - Spinoza and Texts
- Center for Jewish Studies - From Heretic to Hero: Symposium on the Impact of Baruch Spinoza
- PEL - Montaigne: What Is the Purpose of Philosophy?
- PEL - Descartes Meditations: What Can We Know?
- PEL - Leibniz's Monadology: What Is There?
- Philosopher's Zone - The Universal Genuis - Gottfried Leibniz
- Philosopher's Zone - George Berkeley: The strange birth of Idealism
- Philosophy at Bristol - Rousseau
- PEL - Rousseau: Human Nature vs. Culture
- PEL - Hume's Empiricism: What Can We Know?
- PEL - Kant: What Can We Know?
- Bernstein - Kant
- Bernstein - Hegel
- Bernstein - 3rd Critique
- Conference - Nietzsche on Mind and Nature
- Nietzsche Conference - Rethinking the Genealogy of Morals
- Nietzsche Workshop at Western
- Philosopher's Zone - Nietzsche and the will to power
- Kaufmann - Nietzsche and the Crisis in Philosophy
- Kaufmann - Kierkegaard and the Crisis in Religion
- Hernandez - Kierkegaard Lecture
- The Partially Examined Life - Kierkegaard on the Self
- The Partially Examined Life - Husserl's Phenomenology
- Brough - Consciousness is Not a Bag: Immanence, Transcendence, and Constitution in Husserl's "Idea of Phenomenology"
- Sokolowski - Husserl on First Philosophy
- UC Berkeley Course - History 181B Modern Physics: From the Atom to Big Science
Modern Analytic
- University of Sterling Lecture - The Intertwined Roots of Analytic and Continental Philosophy
- Wittgenstein in 90 Minutes
- PEL - Wittgenstein and Language
- Fourth BWS Annual Conference - Wittgenstein and the Swansea School
- In Our Time - The Continental-Analytic Split
- Philosopher's Zone - Gustav Klimt and Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Wittgenstein and Photography Exhbition at the University of Cambridge
- The Reith Lectures - Bertrand Russell: Authority and the Individual
- Philosopher's Zone - The puzzlement of Ludwig Wittgenstein
- Bled Philosophical Conference - Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom
- New Trends in Logic, Vienna - On Godel's General Philosophy
- University of Cambridge - Russell v Wittgenstein
- University of Cambridge - Radical Translation: Analytic Philosophy in America
- University of Cambridge - G.E. Moore and Cambridge Philosophy
- University of Cambridge - 'Better than Stars': A Radio Portrait of F.P. Ramsey
- ICI Berlin - Sara Fortuna: Il giallo di Wittgenstein
- Harvard Book Store - Companion Stars: Einstein and Godel at Princeton
- Harvard Book Store - Logicomex: An Epic Search For Truth
- Tate Gallery - In Defense of Philosophy: Derek Jarman - Wittgenstein
- Panal Discussion in Memory to William James - What Makes Life Significant?
- Genuine Reality: A Life of William James
- The Metaphysical Club
- The Education of John Dewey: A Biography
- PEL - Bertrand Russell on Math and Logic
- Emergence and Whitehead
- Sidney Morgenbesser on the American Pragmatists
- In Conversation: W.V. Quine
- Ayer on Frege and Russell
- Logical Positivism and its Legacy
- Anthony Quinton on Wittgenstein
- John Searle on Wittgenstein
- On the Ideas of Quine
- Classical Empiricism and Logical Positivism
- The Rise of Logical Positivism
- The Fall of Logical Positivism
- Slought Foundation - Wittgenstein's Voice: The Sound of the Unsystematic
- Logic Lane: Gilbert Ryle and J.O. Urmson discuss philosophy of mind
- Logic Lane: Oxford Philosophy in the 1930s and J.L. Austin
- Logic Lane: A Philosophical Retrospective
- British Wittgenstein Society - Lectures
- Wittgenstein's Vienna
- PEL - Frege on the Logic of Language
- Physics, Positivism and the Early Wittgenstein
- Rise of 20th Century Philosophy - Pragmatism
- Rise of 20th Century Philosophy - Analysis
- Dewey's American Naturalism
- Quine and the End of Positivism
- Wittgenstein's Turn to Ordinary Language
- Rorty and the End of Philosophy
- Wittgenstein's Poker
- Wittgenstein Podcast Lectures
- Wittgenstein - A Film by Derek Jarman
- Einstein Forum workshop on 'The Future of Analytical Philosophy' - Juliet Floyd lecture "Future Pasts"
- Oxford (David Chalmers) - Constructing the World Lecture Series
- Center for the Study of Mind in Nature Lecture - What Frege got wrong (with some help from Quine)
- CUNY Course - Reading Marx's Capital with David Harvey
- University of Pittsburgh Course - Analytic Philosophy: Wilfrid Sellers
- Conference - Wittgenstein and Aesthetics
- Conference - Wittgenstein and Naturalism
- Conference - Wittgenstein Research Revisted
- University of Bergen - Views into Wittgenstein research
- PEL - Wittgenstein's Tractatus: What is There and Can We Talk About It?
- PEL - Wittgenstein's Tractatus (and Carnap): What We Can Legitimately Talk About
- In Our Time - Wittgenstein
- Conference - Rorty and the Mirror of Nature
- Menand - Pragmatism's Three Moments
- Dewey Center - Perspectives of Pragmatism
- PEL - Pragmatism (Peirce & James)
- PEL - More James's Pragmitism: Is Faith Justified? What is Truth?
- Ray Monk - Philosophy Circa 1905
- Charles Taylor and A Secular Age
- PEL - What is Mind (Turing, et al)
Ancient and Medieval
- Catholic School of America 2013 Lecture Series - Philosophy in Islamic Lands
- Catholic School of America 2012 Lecture Series - Aristotle's "De Anima" (New)
- Cambridge Lecture - When was Medieval Philosophy?
- Cambridge Lecture - Homeric Poems
- Oxford - Power Structuralism in Ancient Ontologies
- Thomas Aquinas in 90 Minutes
- Aristotle in 90 Minutes
- Plato in 90 Minutes
- University of Georgia Course - Aristotle
- Lecture Course - Aristotle's Criticism of Plato's Forms
- PEL - Plato on Ethics & Religion
- Philosopher's Zone - Averroes
- PEL - Plato's Republic: What Is Justice?
- Oxford's John Locke Lectures - Ancient Greek Philosophy as a Way of Life
- Classical Philosophy: Ideas and Essences
- Introduction to Greek Philosophy Course
- Plato's Republic Course
- Yale Lecture - Plato's Republic, I-II
- Yale Lecture - Plato's Republic, III-IV
- Yale Lecture - Plato's Republic, V
- BBC Documentary - The Truth About Democracy (Athenian Golden Age)
- The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
- Discussion of Homer's Iliad
- Monash University - The Medieval Imagination
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Natural Right
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: The Origins of Political Science
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: A Study Aristotle's Politics
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Aristotle, Ethics
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Aristotle, Rhetoric
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Xenophon, Oeconomicus
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Thucydides
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Plato, Protagoras
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Plato, Meno
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Plato, Laws
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Plato, Gorgias
- University of Chicago Course - Leo Strauss: Plato, Apology/Crito
- Plato - Politics, Justice, and Philosophy
- The Heroic Ideal in Late Stoicism
- Heroism and the Tragic View of Life
- Plato's Republic - The Hero's Reward
- Film - Stealing Heaven (Abelard and Eloise)
- Martha Nussbaum on Aristotle
- Miles Burnyeat on Plato
- Anthony Kenny on Medieval Philosophy
- The Paula Gordon Show - Creating Our Modern World
- Monash University Conference - From Sappho to X
- Plato's Forms: Part 1
- Plato's Forms:Part 2
- Socrates
- Great Ideas of Philosophy
- New School For Social Research - Full course taught by Judith Butler and Simon Critchley: The Tragic and its Limits
- UCLA Course - Philosophy 107: Topics in Medieval Philosophy
- Digital Dialouge - The Apology
- Plato Lectures
- Socrates Lectures
- Noetic Society - Heraclitus
- Heraclitus: The Great Intrusion
- Stanley Rosen Interview - Plato's Republic
- Discussion of Homer's Odyssey
- Philosopher's Zone Series - The Philosophy of Ancient Greece and Beyond
- Daniel Bader - Ancient Philosophy Lecture
- Univeristy of Georgia Course - Plato's Republic
- Mark Vernon's (Birbeck College) Course - Aristotle's Philosophy of Friendship
- UC Berkeley Course - PHIL 25 Ancient Philosophy
- Notre Dame Course - Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
- Notre Dame Course - Ancient Wisdom and Modern Love
- Digital Dialogue - Parmenides
- Documentary - Pythagoras
- Documentary - The First World (Pythagoras and Plato)
- Philosopher's Zone - The Apology of Socrates
- Digital Dialouge - Sophists and Philosophers
- Digital Dialogue - Erotic Politics (Socratic Questioning)
- Digital Dialogue - Socratic Strangeness
- Digital Dialogue - Plutarch and Socrates
- Digital Dialogue - Shame and Justice (The Topology of Socratic Politics in the Protagoras)
- In Our Time - Socrates
- Digital Dialogue - Crisis of Community (Socratic Politics)
- Digital Dialogue - Plato's Analogical Thinking
- Philosopher's Zone - Aristotle after Aristotle
- In Our Time - Aristotle's Poetics
- In Our Time - Aristotle's Politics
- In Our Time - Cynicism
- In Our Time - Stoicism
- In Our Time - The Consolations of Philosophy
- King's College - Speculative Medievalisms
- In Our Time - Averroes
- In Our Time - Avicenna
- In Our Time - Ockham's Razor
- Vanderbilt - Maimonides Mini-Course
- In Our Time - Thomas Aquinas
General Surveys
- City Univeristy of New York Course - Introduction to Western Philosophy
- Marist College Course - Introduction to Philosophy
- Stanford Course - The Art of Living
- Marist College Course - Ethics
- Documentary - The Medici: Godfathers of the Renassiance
- Oxford Course - Critical Reasoning for Beginners
- Oxford - Philosophy for Beginners
- UMass Course - Philosophy 108: Moral and Social Problems
- Lawrence Universtiy - Freshman Studies program lectures
- University of Wisconsin Course - European Cultural History 1500-1815
- University of Wisconsin - European Cultural History 1660-1870
- University of Wisconsin Class - European Cultural History 1880-1920
- St. Anselm Course - Nature and Man
- University of Virginia - Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture Podcasts
- The English Programme - The Approach to Philosophy
- Open University Course - Philosophy and the Human Situation
- Radio Free Philosophy
- Castilleja Philosophy Podcasts - Lectures by Bill Smoot
- BBC Documentary - Human, All Too Human
- Philosophy: A Guide to Happiness
- University of London - Cell Podcasts
- University of Chicago - Large number of lectures, interviews, and podcasts with Philosophy Faculty
- Mises Institute - The History of Political Philosophy: From Plato to Rothbard
- University of Sydney - Key Thinkers Series
- Large number of Bryan Magee interviews with Philosophers about Philosophers
- Western Philosophy (2002 Documentary)
- Conference - 'Real Objects or Material Subjects'
- RMMLA panel - Promiscuous Ontologies
- Symposium - Object-Oriented Ontology
- Symposium - Accelerationism
- Kingston University Conference - Dark Materialism
- Conference - Theology, Gnosticism, and Theory
- Conference - Sacred Modernities: Rethinking Modernity in a Post-Secular Age
- The Phenomenal Qualities Project
- University of Kent Lectures and Seminars - School of European Culture and Languages
- David Tracy (University of Chicago Divinity School) Lecture - Tragic Vision: The Abandoned Vision of the West?
- Simon Critchley - Philosophers Don't Die Pretty
- King's College London Course - History of Philosophy
- Oxford Course - General Philosophy
- York College CUNY - PHIL 103 and PHIL-SOC 202 courses (Introductions to Philosophy)
- Yale Course - Introduction to Political Philosophy
- University of Mary Washington Course - PHIL 101
- UCSD Course - PHIL 10 Introduction to Logic
- University of Wisconsin Course - Political, Economic and Social Thought, Integrated Liberal Studies
- Elucidations - University of Chicago Philosophy podcast
- In Our Time - Philosophy lecture archive
- The Partially Examined Life - Philosophy Podcasts
- Philosophy Talk
- Diet Soap Podcast - Tough on Dirt: Gentle on Philosophy (Now with IDEOLOGY!)
- Vote Kierkegaard
- Bruce - Philosophy Survey
- Greek versus German Philosophy
- Jacques Brel - "Amsterdam"
- Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Special Topics
- Oxford Mini-Course - A Romp Through the Philosophy of Mind
- City University of New York Course - Philosophical Ethics
- Cambridge Lecture Series - Aspects of Philosophy at Cambridge
- Cambridge Lecture Series - The Gospel of John: On Eagles Wings
- Cambridge Lecture Series - Invention of the Modern World
- Marist College Course - Critical Thinking
- University of Georgia Course - Social and Political Philosophy
- University of Georgia Course - Philosophy of Nature
- Oxford - The Philosophy of Religion
- UMASS Course - Marxism and Film
- College de France - Metaphysics and Philosophy of Knowledge
- Yale Course - Philosophy and the Science of Human Nature
- UCLA Course - Responsibility and Free Will
- Documentary - Terror's Advocate
- Alexander Nehamas - The Art of Living: Socratic Reflections from Plato to Foucault
- Documentary - One Way Street: Fragments for Walter Benjamin
- Roberto Unger Lecture Series - Nihilism
- Film - Who killed Walter Benjamin?
- James Brown And The Famous Flames At The TAMI Show 1964 (NEW)
- Documentary - Philosophy and the Matrix: Return to the Source
- Documentary - Newton: The Dark Heretic
- Documentary - Through the Wormhole: Does Time Exist?
- Notre Dame Conference - My Ways are Not Your Ways: The Character of God in the Hebrew Bible
- Ohio State Conference - Foundational Adventures
- New School for Social Research Symposium - The Anarchist Turn
- Harvard Book Store - Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through Those Pearly Gates
- Documentary - James Burke: Connections
- Documentary - The Genius of Darwin
- Boston College - Guestbook Project
- University of Montana Center for Ethics - Albert Borgmann: Climate Change as a Spiritual Crisis: Call to a Spiritual Life
- University of Montana Center for Ethics - Albert Borgmann: Science, Ethics, Technology: The Challenge of Global Warming
- Short course on "The Ten Assumptions of Science" by Glenn Borchardt (NEW)
- The New School - Thursday Night Workshops
- "How to write like Walter Benjamin" tutorial series
- Cardozo School of Law - Nietzsche and the Law
- Daily Show interview with Douglas Feith
- Jon Stewart on Crossfire
- Daily Show interview with Jim Cramer
- Gresham College Lecture - Neal Stephenson: Science Fiction as a Literary Genre
- Tom Wolfe - Marshall McLuhan Lecture
- Monash University Seminar - Catastrophic Intentions: Bloch and Benjamin
- Plato and Saussure
- Monash University Seminar - The Orgins of Chat: German Philosophy
- Forum for European Philosophy dialogue - Modernity and the Meaning of Life
- Forum for European Philosophy - The Most Human Human: A Defence of Humanity in the Age of the Computer
- The Marketplace of Ideas - On early modern science and poetry with Angus Fletcher
- The Marketplace of Ideas - On Romantic music, poetry and philosophy with James Donelan
- Monash University Conference - Changing the Climate: Utopia, Dystopia & Casastrophe
- Monash University Seminar - Compelling Fictions - Spinoza and George Eliot on Belief and Faith
- Cardiff University Conference - Under-Represented Groups in Philosophy
- The New School - Does Philosophy Still Matter?
- Center for Public Christianity - Michael Ruse lectures
- UCSD Course - Power and Justice
- BBC Documentary - The Century of the self
- Yale Course - Foundations of Modern Social Theory
- Yale Course - Moral Foundations of Politics
- Documentary - Human Resources - Social Engineering in the 20th Century
- Documentary - The American Philosopher
- London School of Economics Lecture Series - The Study of Cognition and Culture Today
- Symposium with Jurgen Habermas, Charles Taylor, Judith Butler and Cornell West - Rethinking Secularism: The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere
- Robert Kane: Are All Values Relative?
- Krista Tippett on Being
- Berkeley - New Media Symposium and Art Festival
- University of Cambridge Course - Classic Social Theories
- Philoctetes Center Roundtable - The Limits of Explanation
- Philosopher's Zone - Jonathon Lear
- Documentary - Dangerous Knowledge
- Open University Course - Thought and Experience
- LSE seminar keynote address - Phenomenology, Information Technology and Management: an international workshop
- University of British Columbia Course - History and Philosophy of Science
- Allan Bloom's "Philosophic Perspectives" lectures at Boston College
- UC Berkeley Course - Intellectual History of the United States since 1865
- University of Houston - PHIL 1305 Introduction to Ethics
- Lancaster University Course - Applied Ethics
- Notre Dame Course - Morality and Modernity
- Burke - Loss and Gain: The Social History of Knowlege 1750-2000
- Philosophy at Bristol - What is in a Paradigm?
- Open Court - Pop Philosophy
- Coffeen - Seeing Seeing
- Coffeen - Rhetoric
- University of San Diego Course - Philosophy of Human Nature
- UC Berkeley - PHIL 132 Philosophy of Mind
- UC Berkeley - PHIL 133 Philosophy of Language
- UC Berkeley - PHIL 135 Theory of Meaning
- UC Berkeley - PHIL 138 Philosophy of Society
- St. Anselm Course - Philosophy of Science
- UC Berkeley - PHIL 3 The Nature of Mind
- Yale Course - Death
- University of Chicago Course - Darwin's Origin of Species and Descent of Man
- UCSD Course - Darwin's Legacy
- MIT Course - Technology in a Dangerous World
- University of Warwick Course - Theoretical Ideas in Sociology
- UC Berkeley Course - Theories of Law and Society
- UC Berkeley Course - History of Anthropological Thought
- MIT Seminar - Philosophy of Love in the Western World
- UC Berkeley Course - The History and Practice of Human Rights
- UCSD Course - The Study of Society
- University of Houston Course - Theories of Culture
- UCLA Course - Science, Magic, and Religion
- Justice with Michael Sandel (Harvard)
- The Moscow Center for Consciousness Studies Interviews
- The Moscow Center for Consciousness Studies Roundtable - Scott Soames on Kripke's Argument on Pain
- Haverford College Course - American Political Thought Since the Civil War (Carey and Susan McWilliams)
- The Erotikon Symposium
Art - Film - Literature
- Oxford Mini-Course - Literature and Form
- A Faculty Project Course - Classics of American Literature: T.S. Eliot
- Cambridge Lecture Series - Shakespearean Comedy
- Cambridge Lecture - Passion, Energy and Matter: Godard's Gesture
- Eberhard Karl University Course - Charles Dickens and the Cutlure of His Times
- CSU Fullerton Course - Analysis of Literary Forms
- CSU Fullerton Course - World Literature From 1650
- CSU Fullerton Course - American Literature From Twain to the Moderns
- University of Geissen Lecture Series - New Theories, Models and Methods in Literary and Cultural Studies
- Oxford - Great Writers Inspire
- College de France - History of European Medieval and Modern Art
- College de France - Literatures of Medieval France
- Boston University Lecture -The Poetry of Bob Dylan
- Oxford Mini-Course - George Eliot
- Oxford Mini-Course - DH Lawrence
- Yale Course - Hemmingway, Fitzgerald, Faulkner
- UCSD Course - Introduction to Greek and Roman Literature
- UCSD Course - Art and the Enlightenment
- Poetry Foundation - Essential American Poets
- Documentary - F. Scott Fitzgerald: Winter Dreams
- Brandeis Course - Restoration and 18th Century Poetry: From Dryden to Wordsworth
- Brandeis Course - The Western Canon: From Homer to Milton
- Baudelaire - The Setting of the Romantic Sun
- Baudelaire's Poetry of Modernism and Metropolis
- Eberhard Karl University Course - English Literature in the 17th Century
- Eberhard Karl University Course - Irish Writing
- Eberhard Karl University Course - Realisms
- Documentary - Modern Masters: Matisse, Picasso, Dali and Warhol
- Michael Fried's A.W. Mellon Lectures - The Moment of Caravaggio
- Diet Soap Podcast - Daniel Coffeen on "The Wire"
- Philosopher's Zone - The cinema of Terrence Malick
- One Thousand Words - Talking Art
- CriterionCast - The Third Man
- Chatterton Lecture on English Poetry - 'Where the night still still hangs like a half-folded bat': The Poetry of D.H. Lawrence
- The British Academy Lecture - Surrealism and its legacies in Latin America
- The British Academy Lecture - Shakespeare, Oaths and Vows
- Chatterton Lecture on English Poetry - Robert Graves and 'The White Goddess'
- Wharton Lecture on English Poetry - 'Now Shall I Make My Soul': Approaching Death in Yeat's Life and Work
- Smarthistory - Art History Conversation
- Akira Kurosawa Film - Rashomon
- University of Cambridge - Film and the Art of Forgetting
- University of Cambridge - Shakespearean Comedy
- Fordham University - kd lang and Nietzsche: "The Birth of kd lang's Hallelujah"
- UVA Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture - The Case of Dostoevsky's General: Forgiving the Unforgivable
- Peter Greenaway Film - Dante: The Inferno
- Documentary - One Way Street: Fragments for Walter Benjamin
- Documentary - John Berger: Ways of Seeing
- Documentary - The Genius of Mozart
- Documentary - Leonardo Da Vinci
- Documentary - The Genius of Beethoven
- Documentary - This is Civilization
- Documentary - Robert Hughes: The Mona Lisa Curse
- Documentary - Robert Hughes: American Visions
- Documentary - This Is Modern Art
- Tate Gallery Symposium - Mapping the Lost Highway: New Perspectives on David Lynch
- Oxford Lecture Series - Approaching Shakespeare
- Marcel Proust: A Life
- Harvard - Professor Thomas Kelly on Beethoven's Ninth Symphony Then and Now
- Harvard - Helen Vendler on WB Yeats Among School Children
- Harvard Book Store - Helen Vendler on the Last Books of Five Great American Poets
- Philoctetes Center: Our Life in Six Lyrical Poems: Elizabeth Bishop
- Boston University - Centenary Tribute to Elizabeth Bishop
- Cambridge Forum - Emily Dickinson: My Wars Are Laid Away in Books
- Philoctetes Center - A Life in Poetry: Emily Dickinson
- Vanderbilt Divinity School - Take Heed, Watch: The Meaning of the O'Conner Story "Comes Like a Thief."
- Vanderbilt Divinity School - Flannery O'Conner Roundtable
- Vanderbilt Divinity School - The Incarnational Art of Flannery O'Conner
- God in the Great Gatsby
- Langston Hughes and Modern Music
- Writers of the Harlem Renaissance
- Revisiting the Harlem Renaissance
- Faulkner's Dialogue with Thomas Jefferson
- William Faulkner and America
- William Faulkner and American History
- Sarah Lawrence College - Ilja Wachs on the 19th Century Novel
- Vanderbilt University - Baudelaire and the Theory of the Lyric
- Steinbeck and the Beats
- Works of Dante
- Documentary - The Beatles - Composing Outside the Beatles: Lennon & McCarthy 1967-1972
- Peter Greenaway Film - Nightwatching
- Peter Greenaway Film - Rembrandt's J'accuse
- Peter Greenaway Film - Darwin
- Derek Jarman Film - Caravaggio
- Philoctetes Center - Modernists that Matter: Mallarme and Apollinaire
- BBC Documentary - The Romantics - Eternity
- BBC Documentary - The Romantics - Nature
- BBC Documentary - The Romantics - Liberty
- Peter Greenaway - Nine Classic Paintings Revisited (pt1)
- Peter Greenaway - Nine Classic Paintings Revisted (pt2)
- Peter Greenaway - New Possibilities: Cinema is Dead, Long Live Cinema
- Northwestern - Antigone Interrupted: Greek Tragedy and the Future of Humanism
- Philoctetes Center - Realism and Expressionism in the Work of Tennessee Williams
- Philoctetes Center - Wallace Stevens: Words That Matter
- Philoctetes Center - The Inventions of Bob Dylan
- Philoctetes Center - I'll Go On: An Afternoon of Samuel Beckett
- Pen American Center - Everything and More: The Pale King by David Foster Wallace
- Life and Work of William Butler Yeats
- David Damrosch (Harvard) - Invitation to World Literature
- Flannery O'Conner and the Mystery of Grace
- Faulkner and Beckett - Images of the Forlorn
- Jack Kerouac Documentary - King of Beat
- Richard Linklater Film - Waking Life
- A Short Film by F.C. Rabbath - The Ninth Circle
- Film - Moliere
- Film - Le Roi Danse (Jean-Baptiste Lully)
- Dostoevsky - The Return of the Saint
- Iris Murdoch on Philosophy and Literature
- Forum for European Philosophy Lecture Series - Art and the Limits of the Political
- Forum for European Philosophy - Memory Between Literature and History
- 'A Year of Hitchcock' Podcast
- Monash University Seminar - Collaborations in Modern and Postmodern Visual Arts
- Monash University Seminar - Trauma - Cinema - Rwanda: mediating the 'unrepresentable'
- The Marketplace of Ideas - The consummate cinephile: Jonathon Rosenbaum on the changing film culture
- The Marketplace of Ideas - Five days with David Foster Wallace: author and journalist David Lipsky
- The Marketplace of Ideas - In search of lost modernism: Novelist and critic Gabriel Josipovici
- Monash University Seminar - Your Friends and Neighbours: Recent Suburban Utopias
- Monash University Seminar - A Historiography of Psychoanalytic Film in Hollywood, 1920-1960
- Monash University Seminar - The Writer as Genealogist - The Realist Poetics of Dostoevsky and Flaubert
- Monash University Seminar - The Third Wave of Disastor: Science Fiction Cinema and the New Era of Anxiety
- Philosophy Foundation - Emerson and the Examined Life
- UMass Course - Phil 281: Motion, Time, and Memory in the Movies
- Emory University Course - Science Fiction and Politics
- Emory University Course - Politics in Music
- University of Leeds - The Leeds Dante Podcast
- Craig Shuftan: Hey! Nietzsche! Leave Them Kids Alone
- Williams College - On Tarantino, Nazis and Movies That Can Kill You
- The Philosopher's Zone - At the movies with Gilles Deleuze
- Oxford Lecture Series - Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art
- Yale Course - Cervantes' Don Quixote
- Documentary - Impressionism, Revenge of the Nice
- Eberhard Karls University Course - Introduction to Literary Studies
- Eberhard Karls University Course - Literary History: A Systematic Approach
- Eberhard Karls University Course - Romanticism
- Eberhard Karls University Course - An Introduction to Shakespeare
- Eberhard Karls University Course - Literature and Culture in Shakespeare's Time
- Eberhard Karls University Course - Literary Theory: A Survey
- Eberhard Karls University Course - The Novel Today: Recent British Fiction
- Eberhard Karls University Course - What Was Modernism?
- Eberhard Karls University Course - A Brief History of Authorship
- Eberhard Karls University Course - What Poetry Can Do
- University of Kent - Aesthetics Lectures
- Michigan State University - Celebrity (Authors) Lecture Series
- MIT World - David Milch: Television's Great Writer
- Anneberg Media Series - American Passages: A Literary Study
- Anneberg Media Series - Voices and Visions
- Anneberg Media Series - Art of the Western World
- Anneberg Media Series - Literary Visions
- Anneberg Media Series - American Cinema
- Goethe-Institut Lectures - Schnitzler, Rilke and Musil
- Lecture on Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground
- Kingston University Symposium - Quentin Tarantino and Cinema's Other Enjoyment
- AHRC Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory and History - Recordings of Past Events
- Washington University Course - Faerie and Fantasy
- Thomas Dane Gallery Discussion - The Medium of Contingency
- Documentary - Bauhaus: The Face of the 20th Century
- Documentary - Godard in America
- Documentary - Dosotevsky's "Crime and Punishment"
- University of Toronto Symposium - Blake in Our Time
- Documentary - Carol Reed's "The Third Man"
- Jay Bernstein - The Demand for Ugliness: Picasso's Bodies
- The New School for Design Symposium- What is Critique?
- Philoctetes Center Course - Our Life in Poetry
- Philoctetes Center Roundtable - Origins of Tragedy
- Ruth Harvey - The Lady and the Song
- The Hannah Arendt Center - Phillippe Nonet: The Unity of Tragedy and Comedy
- SUNY Fredonia - Zweig Symposium
- E.L. Doctorow Lecture - Moby Dick
- Open University - Analysing Romanticism
- Chapman Course - Shakespeare
- Cinephilosophie: Philosophy goes to the Movies
- Stanford Conference - Film and Philosophy
- University of London Symposium - Shakespeare's Philosophy
- Harrisburg Area Community College Course - Engish 205: World Literature I
- Wellesley College Conference - Proust and Philosophy
- The David Foster Wallace Audio Project
- Entitled Opinions - Moby Dick
- Crain - Melville Lecture
- Ingmar Bergman, Cinematic Philosopher, with Irving Singer
- Left Field Cinema - Examination of Terrence Malick's films
- The Criterion Cast - The Podcast Dedicated To Important and Contemporary Films
- Simon Schama's Power of Art
- Modern Art Podcasts
- Stanford Course - Human Behavioral Biology
- University of Winchester - History and Context of Journalism
- Wesleyan Course - Western Movies: Myth, Ideology, and Genre
- MIT Seminar - Philosophy of Film
- MIT Seminar - Philosophy In Film and Other Media
- Out of the Past: Investigating Film Noir
- BFI Live - In the Hands of Fate: Existentialism in Film
- UCLA Course - Holocaust in Film and Literature
- University of St. Andrews Round Table - What is Film Philosophy?
- Colloquium - Stanley Cavell
- Conversations with History: A Philosopher Goes to the Movies, with Stanley Cavell
- Critical Commons - Deleuze and Cinema
- Seminar - Reading Film with Lacan
- UCSD Course - Formations of Modern Art
- UCSD Class - Culture, Art and Technology
- Columbia University - Masterpieces of Western Art: Amiens Cathedral
- UC Berkeley - ART 23 Foundations of American Cyberculture
- University of London (Birbeck) Conference - Walter Benjamin & Bertolt Brecht: Story of a Friendship?
- Alexander Gelley - Weak Messianism: Recovery and Prefiguration in Walter Benjamin's Arcade Project
- Boston College - Dante
- Yale Course - Dante's Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise
- Yale Course - Modern Poetry
- Yale Course - Literary Theory
- Yale Course - The Poetry of John Milton
- Yale Course - The American Novel Since 1945
- Harvard Course - Shakespeare After All: The Later Plays
- Berkeley Course - Literature in English
- Chapman Course - Modern Literary Theory
- Chapman Course - Introduction to Literary Theory and Criticism
- Chapman Course - Studies in Literary Tradition
- Chapman Course - British Romantic Literature
- University of Warwick Course - Modes of Reading: Theory
- University of Warwick Course - English and Comparitive Literary Studys
- University of Warwick - Literature in the Modern World
- University of Warwick Course - Literature and Psychoanalysis: Trauma, Fantasy, the Death Drive
- University of Houston Course - The Contemporary Novel: Magical Realism
- University of Houston Course - The Development of the Novel
- University of Houston Course - Nobel Prize Winners in Literature
- University of Houston Course - Latin American History through the Novel
- University of Houston Course - Masterpieces of British Literature since the Eighteenth Century
- University of Victoria Course - 20th Century British Fiction After WWII
- University of Victoria Course - Modern Anglo-Irish Literature
- NYU Course - American Literature 1: From the Beginnings to the Civil War
- UCSD Course - Intro/Afro-American Literature
- UCSD Course - Science Fiction
- University of Minnesota Course - Historical Survey of British Literature I
- Washington College - Tolkien Course
- Keith Murphy class lectures
- Johns Hopkins University - Proust and Philosophy
- University of Wisconsin Course - The Tales of Hans Christian Anderson
- Frank Delaney - Re:Joyce (lecture series on Joyce's Ulysses)
- Allen Ginsburg - Course lectures
- Fiona MacIntosh - Aeschylus and the Enlightenment
- Bruce Meyer (Georgian College) Lecture - The Four Phases of Yeats
- Nick Mount's (University of Toronto) Lectures - Beckett, Eliot, Woolf, Plath
- Power - Beckett on the Humanities
- James Wood (Harvard) Lecture - Dostoevsky, Camus, and the Problem of Suffering
- Mary Gordon (Barnard College) Lecture - The Appetite for the Absolute: A Reading of Dostoevsky Post-9/11
- Williams - Dostoevsky Lecture
- Bennett - Walt Whitman's Solar Judgment
- Corngold - 1905: A Literary Response to Modernity
- Weinstein - Unknowing: The Work of Modernist Fiction
- Weinstein - Dark Twins: Faulkner and Race
- Harry Ransom Center (UT at Austin) - An Evening of David Foster Wallace
- Anichini - Lecture on Dante's Paridiso IV
- Harvard Course - The Heroic and the Anti-Heroic in Classical Greek Civilization
- Classics in Discussion (Warwick) - Epic Poetry: From Homer To Virgil
- Alexander - The War That Killed Achilles
- Conference - Madness and Literature
Sites and Blogs of Interest (largely commenting on Dreyfus)
- Hendriks photo of Dreyfus
- Dreyfus Filmography
- Slate AI Debate vs Dennett
- Freeman Brain Dynamics Talk
- Bill Blattner at Georgetown
- PhilWeb Bibliography
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- Heidegger reading group
- Being and Time
- PragDave
- Spiked
- Everything
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- being's poem
- Riggs 2.0
- bend of bay
- Half an Hour
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- Minds and Brains
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- Feel Philosophy
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- Philosophy of Technology
- Knowledge and Experience
- Blog 99
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- Brain Hammer
- Coevolving Innovations
- Guide To Reality
- Bluegrass Film Society
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Other Philosophy Webcasts
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Check This Out
Twelve lectures titled "The Heidegger Sessions with Taylor Carmen." Check out the link under "Heidegger Resources."
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